Arthur Tricks the Tooth Fairy
Author: Marc Brown

Reading Level: 1.0
Number Words: 1000
Question: 5
Point Value: 0.5

Question 1

When he lost his tooth, Arthur _____________ .

got a dollar
got a dime
wouldn't give the tooth fairy his tooth.

Question 2

Arthur said that the Tooth Fairy might use teeth ____________ .

to make her castle
to make stars
to make teeth for new babies
to make snowflakes

Question 3

How did DW try to get her tooth out?

With a door!
With a hammer!
She asked the dentist to pull it.
With bubble gum!

Question 4

Where did Mom take Arthur and DW?

To a museum.
To school.
To the ocean.
To see the Tooth Fairy.

Question 5

What did DW put under her pillow?

A shark's tooth.
Her tooth.
Arthur's tooth.
A picture of a tooth.