Langtry, TX

Langtry, TX, almost in Mexico, is down on the part of Texas that curves around the Big Bend area. It's not much of a town these days, but once upon a time it was the stuff about which cowboy thrillers were written and filmed. It was the home of Judge Roy Bean, known as the Hanging Judge, though it is doubtful he ever hung anyone. The town is named after the love of his life, an actress named Lillie Lantry.

This shows the adobe construction beneath the plaster.

Possibly tree where Judge Bean handcuffed prisoners
There was no jail, so prisoners were usually fined.

Home built, and used as "Opera House," when Bean was hoping to lure Lillie Langtry with refinements in town.

Modern-day home in Langtry

Lillie Langtry

Lillie Langtry

Post Office
The other end is a gift and sandwich store.

Church next door to "Bean's Town"

Langtry's Community Center

Looking toward the Mexican border

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