Granny and the Indians
Author: Peggy Parish

Reading Level: 1.9
Number Words: 1500
Question: 5
Point Value: 0.5

Question 1

Why did the bear move out of Granny's way?

she hit him on the nose
she gave him some berries
she told him to go home
she was in a hurry

Question 2

Who was watching Granny?

the Indians
the people from town
a bear
a rabbit

Question 3

How did Granny get a turkey?

an Indian shot it
Granny shot it
Granny found it in a trap
Granny bought it at the store

Question 4

Why did Granny move in with the Indians?

her cabin burned
the Indians invited her to live with them
she was tired of living by herself
she didn't want to move into town

Question 5

What did the Indians do when they left?

they built Granny a house
they moved to another village
they hid in the woods
they made new tents