Glasses for D.W.
by Marc Brown

Reading Level: 1.9
Number Words: 1500
Question: 5
Point Value: 0.5

Question 1

Why did Arthur wear glasses?

without glasses things looked funny
glasses made his eyes hurt
to keep the sun out of his eyes
because his mother made him

Question 2

Why couldn't D.W. find her toothbrush?

She didn't want to brush her teeth.
It went down the sink.
She needed glasses.
The dog ate it.

Question 3

Why did D.W. bump into the lamp?

She had her eyes closed.
The lights were off.
Buster pushed her.
She needed glasses.

Question 4

What game did Buster want to play?

hide and seek

Question 5

Why could D.W. suddenly see?

She wanted to play soccer.
She didn't really want glasses.
She wanted to go to the movies.
She thought glasses were silly.