Clean Your Room, Harvey Moon!
Author: Pat Cummings

Reading Level: 2.8
Number Words: 1500
Question: 5
Point Value: 0.5

Question 1

What did Harvey Moon have to do on Saturday?

clean his room
do his homework
watch cartoons
play baseball

Question 2

What did Harvey do first?

throw his dirty clothes out in the hall
read a book
call his friend
sweep the floor

Question 3

What did Harvey want to do on Saturday?

watch TV
clean his room
go to school
play baseball

Question 4

When Harvey cleaned his room, where did he put everything?

under the rug
in the closet
in the hall
under the bed

Question 5

What was Harvey going to do after lunch?

Mother would help him clean his room.
watch TV
go to the mall
take a nap