Bats, Creatures of the Night
Author: Joyce Milton

Reading Level: 2.5
Number Words: 1000
Question: 10
Point Value: 0.5

Question 1

Bats are _______________.

mammals, just like rabbits, horses, dogs, and humans
extinct, just like dinosaurs
amphibians, just like frogs, toads, and salamanders
reptiles, just like snakes, lizards, and turtles

Question 2

Bats ____________________________ .

have eyes and can see
do not have eyes and cannot see
have eyes in the back of their heads
are blind

Question 3

Bats are the only mammal that _____________________ .

can fly
can see
can live underground
has fur

Question 4

Bats' wings are really _____________________ .

an arm with a hand
not good for anything
just like bird wings
are covered with feathers

Question 5

Vampire bats __________________ .

like the blood from animals, such as cows and horses
bite people in the neck and turn into Dracula
are not real
come out on Halloween

Question 6

How do some bats find their food?

With clicks and echoes.
By smelling it.
Other bats signal to them.
With very good eye sight.

Question 7

How and when do bats sleep?

They sleep during the day and hang upside down.
They sleep at night and hang upside down.
They sleep in a nest during the night.
They sleep in a nest during the day.

Question 8

Baby bats ________________________ .

are pink and drink milk from their mother
are gray and drink milk from their mother
are pink and hunt for their own food
are brown and drink milk from their mother

Question 9

Bats _________________________________ .

sleep during the winter
sleep during the summer
sleep during the fall
sleep during the spring

Question 10

If there are a lot of bats around, it means _______________ .

the air and water are probably clean
no one will be safe
there is also a vampire nearby
there is probably pollution around