The Ant Bully
Author: John Nickel

Reading Level: 3.2
Number Words: 1500
Question: 5
Point Value: 0.5

Question 1

What did the ants do to Lucas?

They stuffed his body into their hole and took him to the Queen's Chamber.
They tied him up and left him in the hot sun.
They stole all of his food.
They put drops in his ear and turned him into an ant.

Question 2

What was the final test the Queen gave Lucas?

He needed to bring her a red swell jell.
He needed to bring her the key to the candy store.
He needed to bring her his family's refrigerator.
He needed to find her a king.

Question 3

Who was Sid?

He was a mean bully to other kids.
He was the Ant Bully.
He was Lucas' mean brother.
He was the Queen's special worker ant.

Question 4

Where did Lucas go for the Swell Jell?

He went to his own house.
He went to the candy store.
He went to Sid's house.
He went to a stranger's house.

Question 5

How did Sid get so small?

The ants made him shrink.
He was born that way.
Lucas put drops in his ears.
Sid wished for it.